Monday, December 23, 2013

Larry's Christmas Countdown

I Normally Would just leave  this stuff  on deviant art. But you guys will like this. I did these about a year ago.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jamie Grace Veggietales!

Love these songs. Almost brought a tear to my eye when I heard "God is bigger than the Boogieman"
Enjoy and Sing along!

Veggie stuff

Obviously Veggietales is not owned by me but I felt I should post it here. I think I'm gonna try to weekly post something new.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Adventist time

Just a quick pic based on The Penelton Ward series Adventure Time!!!!
The people in the pic are people well known in Adventist history.

Left to right: John H. Kelloggs Angus T. Jones, Ellen G. White, & John N. Andrews.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

A message from Ellen White

Needed something to post and thought to myself why not start with a message.  Gonna try to put up a message here and there on this blog every now and then.