Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Story of Hosea

Always been fascinated by the story of Hosea in the Bible.

For those of you who don't know the story it's basically this:
God is sad because Israel has once again turned against him. 
Hosea, a Prophet is choosen to demonstrate God's love in an interesting experiment. God finds him a prostitute (Gomer) to marry, this turns the heads of the self righteous israelites. They have one child together, but before this can turn into "Pretty Woman" Gomer starts sleeping around. gets pregnant twice and eventually is captured buy some bad guys and sold into slavery. Hosea, has come to love her and takes her back again and again. Even to the point of hunting her down and buying her out of slavery.

This was all to show how much God loves us. Hosea knew all the stuff Gomer did and yet was willing to take her back even if she didn't feel she deserved it. God does the same for us He knows all of our short comings and is always ready to take us back and help us work through our problems and  put away our sin.

Friday, July 11, 2014

White conference vs Black conference

For those of you who don't know, a lot of Faiths have conferences divided by race. This plays on this very issue.

Awful Alvin

You all love Veggietales, you all love Larryboy, and so quite a few of you love the angry Eyebrow sending original villain from "The Cartoon adventures of Larryboy" AWFUL ALVIN!!!!
Anyway I drew this because I was bored working on some commisions and thought Gee, why not. I based it after a picture of Jafar from Aladdin becoming a sorcerer. 

Millard J. Monkey

From Jungle Jam and friends,I present to you Millard J. Monkey.
As a treat here is the rough too.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Wow, new Veggietales designs

For all of you following this blog, keep it up. I'm planning to get this thing up an running a little better now that I have the time. Granted this week is VBS"(Vacation Bible School) at my church so I might not get too much time to blog next week. But I will try to be more present.

Anyway this leads us to the main issue. A New Veggietales, as was mentioned on the Phil Vischer Podcast sometime ago there will be a new Netflix version of veggietales that will be produced by Dreamworks animation.

If you're not familiar, Veggietales was the first fully 3D Computer generated Video Series started in 1993. (Reboot I believe was the 1st television series in the group) Anyway the characters were very simple.Oblong spheres, cylinders and other shapes simple shapes simple animation. But as the show got more and more popular more animators joined. Including a few from Dreamworks, and Disney.

These guys wanted to push veggie tales to be more full.

 Anyway, eventually after lawsuits, Bankruptcy and Company purchases Big idea was bought by dreamworks. Dream works saw the potential and decided to redesign the characters causing many fans to be worried. But Joe Spadaford (Character designer from Big idea) said to a fan:

" me... Once you see these guys moving you will wish they had always looked like this. The act is much more like how the old storyboards. all the characters can now fully act. you don't know how much entertainment value you were missing out on just due to the old rigs. Trust me I worked on those shows for 9 years.... I loved those old characters... These characters are a huge leap forward in a good way.

"BTW this is not Dreamworks trying to make them 'their' veggietales. This is the veggietales, the creatives, all wanted to see on screen. all the old 2d boards looked like this basically. the fact that these Riggs were 20 years old was a HUGE problem. 20 years ago 3d show characters did not have to act as well as they do now. If the standard of acting was not raised VT would have looked older and older to the new young audience. remember first and foremost veggietales is for little kids. It has to evolve with the standards even a 3 year old expects or they will quickly fall into the dollar bin. The main thing you should have liked most about veggietales is not gone. The Christian element. That god made you special and loves you very much. If we had lost that aspect of our show then I would really worry. The new veggie show is still very much like old shows at its heart. It's just an update."

"If you look a t a still of Hogarth from the iron giant. Once he moves he it one of the coolest cartoon kids of all time. The only people who can hate this are the people who have not yet seen the animatics or dailies. I have seen those things. the new stuff is better. It just is."

And so instead of doing judging before seeing them in action think, I'm just gonna embrace it. 
Let me know what you guys think.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014

God Tweets

Just messing around with Photoshop. This was actually in relation to an Evangelistic Series That i was a part of.